How much does it cost to become a member?
There is no fee to Sign up for our service. Each location has different fees for receiving packages. Please refer to your selected locations profile to view their fees and limitations for package receiving.
Is the address a PO Box or a physical street address?
The U.S. address we provide is a real U.S. street address, not a PO Box. This will allow you to order from any retailer or seller you wish. Also you are able to receive packages. As you receive mail you can easily view and manage it from your mobile device or computer; Open and Scan Mail (PDFs), Mail and Package Forwarding, Check Deposit, Free Unlimited Online Storage.
What carriers do you accept packages from?
All of our locations can receive packages on your behalf from all carriers including UPS, FEDEX, USPS, DHL and private delivery services.
Can you receive freight and oversize deliveries?
All of our locations have different limitations on freight and oversize package delivery. Please refer to your selected locations profile to determine their limitations and if any additional fees may apply. Send us an email at
What happens to my packages if I do not pick them up?
Per your agreement with our service, any package not picked up within 30 days will be considered abandoned unless other arrangements have been made with you selected location. Abandoned packages become the property the location that they were delivered to and may be disposed of per that locations store policy. Package forwarding is available to prevent a package from being considered abandoned.
If I have additional questions or concerns regarding your service who do I contact?
You can contact us anytime via email at
Can you forward my parcels to another location for me?
Package forwarding is available at all of our locations. If forwarding out of the U.S. you will need to provide an invoice detailing the price of each item we are forwarding for the customs forms we will need to process. Any brokerage fees, taxes or duties will be your responsibility to pay. Shipping charges and forwarding fees will apply. Please contact us at in regards to the shipping and forwarding fees.
Do you accept package deliveries as well as regular mail?
Yes, we accept both mail and packages at all of our locations. Staff will scan the label on a package or the front of a letter and send you an email alert, so you can decide how you want them to handle it.
Can you ship internationally?
Yes. Our partner locations are shipping experts and will be happy to forward your mail to you internationally with no problems. However, for packages, there may be taxes or duty fees involved depending on the contents.
I only need the service for a short time during my travels; can I sign up just for a month or two?
Yes, one month is the minimum term.